Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Relationship Help for Troubled Marriages

Monday, April 20, 2009
Welcome to Relationship Help
Welcome! I am glad you found this site, although I am sorry for what you are probably dealing with right now. See, if you have landed on Relationship Help, the problems in your relationship or marriage have probably gotten quite bad. The good thing is, you are actively seeking resources to help your marriage -- willingness is half the battle.
The question is, is your spouse or partner as willing to make changes in the relationship? Often times, one partner is not quite as interested in making the effort to save a marriage or relationship as the other partner. This is where many traditional sources of relationship help fail - marriage counseling, couples retreats, etc., require a commitment from both partners. If one partner is less than fully committed to saving the marriage or relationship, these resources are just a waste of time and money.
If you are in a position where your spouse or partner doesn't want to try to save your relationship, it can certainly feel like an uphill battle. You bear the responsibility of not only finding the resources to improve your relationship, but also of getting and keeping your partner interested. That's a lot to ask of anyone!
Fortunately, there are sources of relationship help that don't require you and your spouse to be on the same page -- at least not in the beginning. One of these is a course called Save the Marriage -- it teaches you the techniques for getting a relationship back on track, even if your partner isn't willing to try yet.
Again, welcome, and thanks for visiting. Be sure to check back often -- I will be providing much more information on the future to help you build a relationship that is happier and healthier than you have ever dreamed possible!