In fact, that's one of the two main reasons why marriage counseling doesn't work for most people. Going to a counselor for relationship help puts everyone on the defensive. Even though we know we need help, having a counselor pry into your life is just too uncomfortable for most of us. So we hold back.
What good does that do?
I mean, it's hard enough to admit that your relationship needs serious work. It can be even more difficult to convince your spouse that the two of you need help. But to go through all of that emotional turmoil, and then hold back on the details that are keeping the two of you from seeing eye to eye... yikes!
(In case you're wondering, the other main reason marriage counseling is ineffective is because counselors are trained to deal with individual problems, not relationship problems. Marriage counseling is most often just an "add-on" - and so most counselors aren't really qualified to give the advice that they provide.)
Another option for people in troubled marriages is the "couples retreat". This is a bit better option, because most of the real work takes place "behind the scenes", not in front of a counselor. The problem remains, though, is that you're getting advice from people who may or may not know what they're talking about. If your marriage is in real trouble, why take that chance?
Is it any wonder so many marriages are failing, when we're taking advice from dodgy sources?
I don't mean any disrespect to these folks. They're doing the best they can, and their hearts are in the right place. But the dismal success rate speaks for itself. Only about 20% of couples who enter marriage counseling or attend a couples retreat end up staying together.
So what do you do?
I've found a course that has a 90% success rate... and doesn't require trudging off to a counselor's office or spending a weekend in the woods.
What really helped me was the fact that I could read the course and start turning things around... my spouse wasn't interested in saving the marriage at first. There was no way we could have agreed to counseling.
From what I learned in the course, I was able to get my spouse interested again... and then we both used the material to build a relationship that is stronger and happier than ever!
The course is called Save the Marriage - if you're at a point where your relationship needs help, but you're the only one that's ready to change, it might be worth a look for you. The author says the course has saved thousands of troubled marriages... I can't really speak to that point, but I do know that it saved mine.
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